Friday, May 9, 2014

being a momma

I love being a momma. 

I know that this is just what God intended for me.

Not everyday is rosy and precious (cue Jen Hatmaker's voice), but it is the best job and the hardest job ever.

Sometimes it's hard to imagine what life was like before this cute little food stealer, puzzle builder, princess loving, lady came along!

We must have had so much time on our hands!
But even though life can get a little busy now, I wouldn't trade any of it for the world! 

This girl is LIGHT and being her momma is the best!

Friday, May 2, 2014

don't ya just wish...

Because it's Friday... and because this is my little corner of the world wide web... and well... just because...

Don't ya just wish that when you cleaned your house, it actually could STAY clean for longer than .2 seconds?  My great and funny friend always says that cleaning your house with little people around is like brushing your teeth while eating Oreos.  I really couldn't agree with her more!  I'm sitting here staring at junk strewn all over my kitchen... and living room... and laundry room (there's more junk strewn but that's all I can see from my vantage point) and I'm not the least bit motivated to pick it all up because I know it will all be scattered to the four winds again as soon as my "little helper" rises from her momentary slumber.  Oy vey. 

Don't ya just wish that getting a manicure and pedicure was covered on your insurance without a co-pay?  Kinda like "preventative care"!  Because if you think about it, it kinda is "preventative care" for my emotional well-being!  But since it is currently not covered by my insurance and my sweet but very practical hubby doesn't see the "need" in it, it doesn't happen as often as I would like it should.  Maybe that's a platform worth running for President on?!?  Maybe. 

Don't ya just wish naptime could last forever?  My girl is trying to drop her nap but yet she still needs it.  And I still need for her to need it.  She gets too grumpy if she misses yet if she takes a good one, she's up till midnight.  Again... oy vey.  When am I supposed to pick up all the junk if she doesn't nap?  Oh right... I'm not gonna pick it up if she's napping anyway but that's not the point!

And finally, don't ya just wish this weather could last forever?  Today is perfect.  Not too hot and not too cool with a slight breeze and a few fluffy white clouds in the sky. 

Thank you God for beautiful days... and for a home to clean... and for a few moments of quiet... and for the ability to afford the occasional mani/pedi.  I think it's going to be a wonderful weekend!

Tuesday, April 29, 2014



A lot has been on my heart lately...  And a lot of it has to do with God's word for me this year - wait.

I like to jump in with both feet then look around to make sure it's safe.... sometimes after I'm already hurt!

But lately, I have been trying diligently to heed God's word for me and wait.  I'm waiting to jump.  I'm waiting to say "yes".  I'm waiting to go and do. 

The whole time I'm waiting, I wonder what exactly I'm waiting on... or waiting for...

I believe that our God is a God of miracles.  I totally believe that He is still in that business of "turning water into wine".... or in my case my "jump then look" into something a little more productive.

And you know what?  During these past few months of waiting and leaning into God... learning, reading, praying, and really seeking Him...

He has shown up.  In BIG ways. 

Isn't that such a "DUH!?!" but for me it really kinda is!

I'm not ready yet (on this blog) to say just how He's shown up but He has. 

Friends around me have, unknowingly, pointed me in the same direction He has been pointing for some time.

Even my sweet hubs has pointed me (like he consistently does) towards what God would have me do in this season rather than affirming anything else.  He's good like that!  ;-)

I think it's so neat to be able to look back over a month or two or more and see just how masterfully God has been weaving things together. 

And so, I'm excited about what He has for me in this season of waiting.  I'm anticipating God to speak into my heart and my life... like He already has and continues to do. 

"Comfort, oh comfort my people,"
says your God.
"Speak softly and tenderly to Jerusalem, but also make it very clear
That she has served her sentence, that her sin in taken care of - forgiven!
She's been punished enough and more than enough and now it's over and done with."
Thunder in the desert!
"Prepare for God's arrival!
Make the road straight and smooth, a highway fit for our God.
Fill the valleys, level off the hills,
Smooth out the ruts, clear out the rocks.
Then God's bright glory will shine and everyone will see it.
Yes.  Just as God has said.
Isaiah 40:1-5 (msg translation... emphasis mine)

Friday, January 24, 2014

just for fun

I feel like life has been a little heavy lately...

Okay, a LOT heavy...

big major questions and life altering answers...

not just in my family but in families all around us...

But I know that God promises abundant blessings on His people...

so, just a little bit of fun for you (and a major photo dump)...

 When you "blog" like I do, you get around to posting Halloween pictures in January... whatev.  Our Pocahontas had so much fun this year!
 Thank you, Chick-fil-A, for chicken tortilla soup and (on good tummy days) salad with your berry balsamic dressing.  Please keep these around forever.  Please?
 Once a week, I have the absolute privilege to volunteer with Lazarus Ministries at City of Refuge.  I get to play with the cutest kiddos while their mommas learn foundational financial concepts.  If you need to get plugged in with an amazing organization, contact Lazarus.  They are doing amazing things in our city!
 Okay, ya'll... this stuff is super addictive.  Maybe it's because Noonday Collection was started as an adoption fundraiser (and that speaks to this momma's heart) or maybe it's because their sole purpose is to help mommas around the world create pathways out of poverty for their own families... or maybe it's because their jewelry and accessories are just to die for beautiful... Whatever the case, I cannot get enough.  I wholeheartedly believe in what they are doing and holy cow do I love this jewelry!  Don't worry friends, I'll be having another trunk show soon!  **Spring Line debuts February 20th!**
 Again, because I'm an awesome bloggger (ha!), here's a picture of my sweet family... cutting down our Christmas tree!  It was a first for me but it was lots of fun!  You know it's gonna be a good time when you drive up and they literally hand you a saw through the window of your car!  :-)  This will be a tradition from here on out!  Very Clark Griswold... without the giant roots... or crazed squirrel... or Cousin Eddie. 
 My girl at a Georgia Tech football game this fall!  She was so thrilled that a real, live "chee-lee-dah" let her hold the big, gold pom pom!  It is always a fun family time on the Flats! 
And from the Chick-fil-A Christmas Open House... my sweet girl in Mr. Cathy's office... such an amazing family and incredible company to work for.  We are so thankful. 

Okay... hopefully those put a smile on your face... and if not, well... shop Noonday Collection's sale for some awesome deals right now!

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

one year

It really is amazing what a difference one year can make! 

It was nearly one year ago that my baby stopped sleeping in her baby crib.

It was nearly one year ago that my girl had some scary health issues that landed us in the CHOA ER not once but twice in a matter of weeks.

It was nearly one year ago that we (more me than we but that's another post for another day anyway...) decided I would take a "part time", short term job.

It's been just over a year since my hubby had his first ever surgery.

It's been nearly a year since I was introduced to Jen Hatmaker.  (not literally... just her books and way of thinking...  I did actually meet her this past September... and I ugly cried... not my proudest moment.)

It's been about a year since I started listening to that whisper in my heart.  God was trying to get my attention.  It took about a year.  I'm hard headed.  :-)

My word for this year - wait - comes after a year of running... even racing... toward what I thought was right and good.

My intentions were well meaning but it was still I and ME instead of Him. 

Learning to lean into His will daily is difficult for this planner.  I like a full calendar of events and plans and To Do's but I'm learning that slowing down in order to listen... that's most important. 

"But what if God's will was never intended to be found?  In fact, what if it was never hidden from us in the first place?  What if God the Father has not sent his children on a cosmic Easter egg hunt to discover his will while he sits back in heaven saying, 'You're getting colder... warmer... colder...'?  And what if searching for God's will like this actually misses the entire point of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus?"
from Follow Me by David Platt
I think this is what my waiting looks like this year... becoming more a disciple of Jesus and less Easter egg hunting for "God's will".
So, more of HIM... less of me... and in this time of waiting, I will choose His will daily... die to self...  love others... serve others...
"I am the servant of the Lord; let it be to me according to your word."  Luke 1:38

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

One word for 2014

Happy 2014!  I hope your new year is off to a great start!

We had such wonderful holidays this year!  I don't know that they were really any different than years past but they were just perfect!  I was sad to take down our tree (or rather watch my hubby take down the tree) and pack it all away.  But now, it's a brand new year...

So all over the blogosphere I've seen people writing about their "Word for 2014".  Have you seen this?  So many posts about "rely" or "simplify" or any other admirable verb or adjective...  But of course, it got me thinking... 

Could I boil down all that I'm praying for and thinking about 2014 to just one word?

I honestly didn't think I could.  You see, I have a tendency to use LOTS of words so getting down to one seemed like a big task. 

But then, after much praying for God's will for this year and dwelling on His words and listening to wise and godly women... It hit me.


That's my word for 2014.  Nothing super special or earth shattering for most but waiting for me is not my gift. 

Waiting means for me that truly not MY will but His be done... in my life... in my home... in my plans... in my marriage... in my family... in my hopes and dreams and prayers...

The word "wait" shows up all throughout scripture.  People were constantly waiting... for a sign... for a word... for instruction... for healing... for a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes... for an empty tomb.

They didn't always like waiting but they waited anyway.  And I feel the same way.  I don't like to wait.  I am not naturally a patient person (about most things) so waiting is difficult. 

But I feel so strongly that this is what the Lord is asking me to do in this season of my life.  Wait

Psalm 5:3 says "In the morning, Lord, You hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before You and wait expectantly."

I can wait expectantly.  The Lord knows my heart.  He knows my deepest desires and I continually lay them at His feet and wait expectantly. 

"Wait for the Lord; be strong and take heart and wait for the Lord." Psalm 27:14

"Lord I wait for You; You will answer Lord my God."  Psalm 38:15

But I do not believe that God asks us to wait without hope of an answer.  Without hope of the end to the time of waiting.  Without hope. 

So maybe I couldn't boil it down to one word... maybe it's two... wait and hope.

Praying and waiting expectantly for all that God will do in 2014.  For me, my family as well as you and yours. 

"But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently."  Romans 8:25